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Bill Gates On His Best Business Decisions

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, shares his insights on his best business decisions. According to Gates, these revolve around selecting the right partners who share his vision, complement his skills, and act as trusted allies.

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft
Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft

Gates highlights his decision to go into partnership with Paul Allen, a move that laid the foundation for Microsoft's success. Additionally, he underscores the importance of hiring Steve Ballmer, a close friend and trusted colleague, whose unique skill set and unwavering commitment contributed significantly to the company's growth.

For Gates, picking the right partner is not just about finding someone with similar goals and values, but also someone who brings a different perspective and skill set to the table. This diversity of skills and viewpoints fosters innovation and serves as a valuable check on one's own ideas and decisions.

"My best business decisions really have to do with picking people. Deciding to go into partnership with Paul Allen, hiring a friend, Steve Ballmer, and having somebody who you totally trust"

The partnership between Gates, Allen, and Ballmer not only made the journey enjoyable but also led to immense success. By surrounding himself with individuals he trusts and respects, Gates was able to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with confidence and achieve remarkable results.

"It's not only made it fun, but it's really led to a lot of success. So picking a partner is crucial."

In conclusion, Bill Gates' experience underscores the importance of picking the right partners in business. Whether it's a co-founder, a colleague, or a trusted advisor, the right partnership can make all the difference in achieving success. Aspiring entrepreneurs would do well to heed Gates' advice and prioritize building strong, collaborative relationships with those who share their vision and values.

Listen exactly what he said:

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