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Boosting Productivity: Insights from Jeff Bezos

Imagine managing a company with over a million and a half employees and still maintaining lightning-fast productivity. How is that possible? According to Jeff Bezos, the key lies in decisiveness.

Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos

Photo: Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

"Decisiveness, moving forward quickly on decisions, as quickly as you responsibly can, is how you increase velocity"

It's a straightforward concept: the quicker you make decisions, the faster you can move forward. This doesn't mean making hasty, ill-informed choices, but rather making well-considered decisions swiftly.

Bezos points out that one of the biggest productivity killers is taking too long to decide. Whether it's a small task or a major strategic move, delays in decision-making can bring everything to a standstill. On the flip side, a culture that encourages quick, responsible decisions keeps things moving.

Amazon exemplifies this principle. Despite its enormous size, the company remains fast and agile. How? Because its culture is built around decisiveness. Every employee, at every level, is empowered to make decisions quickly and efficiently, which maximizes overall productivity.

Real-World Examples of Decisiveness in Action

One of the most famous examples of decisiveness at Amazon is the launch of Amazon Prime. The idea was bold: offer customers free two-day shipping for a yearly subscription fee. The decision to move forward with Prime was made swiftly, and it revolutionized the e-commerce industry, setting a new standard for customer expectations.

Another example is Amazon Web Services (AWS). Initially, the concept of providing cloud computing services was risky and unprecedented. However, Bezos and his team made the decision to pursue it quickly. Today, AWS is a leader in cloud services, contributing significantly to Amazon's overall success.

Additional Strategies to Increase Productivity

While decisiveness is a cornerstone of productivity, there are other strategies you can adopt:

1. Empower Your Team: Give your team the authority to make decisions. This not only speeds up the decision-making process but also fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.

2. Set Clear Goals: When everyone understands the objectives, decisions can be made more swiftly and in alignment with the company's vision.

3. Encourage Innovation: A culture that encourages creativity and experimentation can lead to faster, more effective decision-making.

4. Streamline Processes: Simplify workflows and eliminate unnecessary steps to ensure that decisions are made and implemented quickly.

5. Use Technology: Leverage tools and software that facilitate faster communication and decision-making.


The takeaway is clear: to boost productivity at any scale, cultivate a culture of decisiveness. Encourage quick, informed decision-making. Remember, speed and responsibility go hand in hand. As Bezos puts it,

"Amazon has a million and a half people, and the company is still fast. We're still decisive. We're still quick. And that's because the culture supports that."

So, whether you're managing a small team or a large organization, embrace decisiveness. Foster a culture that values speed and responsibility. Watch your productivity—and success—skyrocket.

In the words of Jeff Bezos:

"At every scale, in a distributed way, try to maximize the velocity of decisions."

This is the secret sauce to achieving high productivity.

Listen to Jeff Bezos:

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