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Brian Armstrong on the Rocky Road to Startup Success: The Coinbase Journey

Starting a company is never easy. Brian Armstrong, the CEO and co-founder of Coinbase, knows this all too well. Before launching his successful cryptocurrency platform, Armstrong faced numerous challenges and setbacks, illustrating the tumultuous journey many entrepreneurs experience.

Brian Armstrong, CEO, Coinbase
Brian Armstrong, CEO, Coinbase
"I had tried doing a startup in the tutoring and education space. It was kind of like a base hit. Didn’t really go very well," Armstrong recalls.

Determined to learn more about startups, he joined Airbnb as an early employee. This experience sparked his desire to try again, but he wanted to find the right idea.

In 2010, Armstrong read the Bitcoin white paper. Fascinated by the potential of digital currency, he began working on a prototype during nights and weekends. Despite his interest, he was unsure of himself and hesitant about the project’s viability.

"I wasn’t sure about myself. I didn’t really know if this was the thing I wanted to go do," he admits.

The turning point came when Armstrong applied to Y Combinator, a startup accelerator.

"That’s the first time somebody actually told me, maybe you’re not crazy. Like this whole Bitcoin thing is not completely nuts. Maybe we’ll write you a little seed check and get off the ground."

In 2012, with Y Combinator’s support, Armstrong quit his job and committed fully to his startup.

Even then, the path was far from certain. Armstrong describes the early days as a high-risk endeavor with no guarantees.

"I definitely didn’t feel like anything was for sure. I felt like this was a very high-risk endeavor. I didn’t really know if any of it was going to work out."

Finding a co-founder was another significant challenge. Armstrong struggled to find someone willing to join him on his risky venture. After a failed attempt with one potential co-founder, he finally partnered with Fred Ehrsam. However, the troubles didn’t stop there. "We got off to the races. Someone sued us three months later," Armstrong says, highlighting the constant stream of obstacles.

Despite the chaos, Armstrong emphasizes the importance of perseverance.

"Startups are moving from one setback to the next with enthusiasm. And if it’s a complete shit show and it’s chaos and nothing is working, that’s kind of the default state. So you’re doing it right if it feels like that. Just don’t give up. That’s the main thing."

Armstrong’s story echoes the experiences of other successful entrepreneurs. Elon Musk, for instance, faced near bankruptcy with both Tesla and SpaceX before they became industry leaders. Similarly, Steve Jobs was famously ousted from Apple, only to return and lead the company to unprecedented success.

The journey of creating something new is fraught with difficulties, but the rewards can be immense. As Armstrong’s experience shows, the key to success lies in unwavering dedication and resilience. His story serves as a powerful reminder that even the most successful entrepreneurs face significant hurdles, but those who persevere can turn their visions into reality.

In the words of Winston Churchill, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." Armstrong’s journey with Coinbase is a testament to this enduring truth.

Listen to Brian Armstrong:

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