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Brian Chesky On How To Win As A Small Company

Brian Chesky, co-founder of Airbnb, attributes much of the company's success to a piece of advice from their first investor, Paul Graham. Graham's wisdom emphasized the significance of prioritizing quality over quantity when it comes to building a customer base.

Brian Chesky, cofounder of Airbnb
Brian Chesky, cofounder of Airbnb

Image credit: EugeneGologursky/Getty Images

According to Chesky, Graham advised them to focus on delighting a core group of advocates rather than chasing mass appeal. He encouraged them to "do things that don't scale" and concentrate on building a product that a hundred people would love so much they would enthusiastically share it with everyone they know.

"focus on those hundred people and just build something. They love so much that they tell everyone they know about it"

This approach has been instrumental in Airbnb's growth. By prioritizing the satisfaction of their early adopters and ensuring they had an exceptional experience, the company created a ripple effect of positive word-of-mouth marketing. Chesky recalls a striking example of a host who personally referred a thousand of people to Airbnb over several years, underscoring the power of genuine enthusiasm and advocacy.

"she's told people every day for like three years about it. So that's probably how we've grown"

The lesson from Airbnb's journey is clear: building a successful business is not just about acquiring a large user base but about fostering genuine connections and delivering value that resonates deeply with customers. By prioritizing quality interactions and focusing on creating a product that inspires love and loyalty, startups can fuel organic growth and build a strong foundation for long-term success.

In conclusion, Chesky's insights highlight the significance of personal connection and authentic engagement in driving business growth. By embracing Graham's advice to prioritize a hundred passionate supporters over a million indifferent users, startups can cultivate a community of advocates who will champion their brand and fuel sustained growth.

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