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Building a Company That Lasts: Lessons from Brian Chesky

When you start a business, the focus is always on building a great product. But what happens after that? According to Brian Chesky, the co-founder of Airbnb, there’s an important second phase: building the company that builds the product. And this shift is crucial for any company that wants to last for the long haul.

Brian Chesky, CEO, Airbnb
Brian Chesky, CEO, Airbnb

Photo: Philip Pacheco—Bloomberg/Getty Images

From Product to Company

Chesky explains that once you’ve figured out how to build your product and find the right market, the next step is just as important—building a strong company. You might have an amazing product, but if your company structure isn’t solid, that product won’t stand the test of time.

He compares it to raising a child. Just like a parent wants their child to outlive them, founders should want their company to outlive them too. Imagine putting all your hard work into something, only to watch it fade away. Chesky says that would be a tragedy, and it’s something every entrepreneur should work to avoid.

The Secret to Longevity: Mission and Values

So, how do you build a company that lasts? Chesky and his team at Airbnb looked at companies that had been successful for decades, and they found one thing in common: a clear mission and strong values.

Chesky points to companies like Apple, Amazon, and Nike as great examples. These companies didn’t just have a great product—they had a strong sense of purpose. Apple, for instance, is known for its belief that “people with passion can change the world.” Steve Jobs often said that while their products changed over time, their values never did. This consistency and passion are what helped Apple become the iconic brand it is today.

Strong Values Lead to Enduring Companies

Chesky goes even further to compare companies to nations. Just like a country that’s built on strong values and a solid foundation, a company that has clear values and a mission can endure the test of time. Think of companies like Coca-Cola or IBM—they’ve been around for over a century, not just because of their products, but because of their enduring identity and mission.

By building a company with strong core values, you give it the strength to weather tough times and adapt to changes. It’s not just about making a quick profit—it’s about creating something that will last, something that can continue to grow even when the original founders are no longer at the helm.

Build for the Long Term

Chesky’s advice is simple: don’t just focus on building a product. Focus on building a company that can outlive you. A company with a strong mission, a set of values, and a shared way of doing things is more likely to stand the test of time.

For every entrepreneur, this is a crucial step. Sure, creating an amazing product is important, but if you want your business to be around for the long run, you need to build a great company too. It’s not just about success today—it’s about building something that will last tomorrow, and for generations to come.

Listen to Brian Chesky:

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