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Canva Co-Founder Melanie Perkins Took A Year To Find First Engineer

In the annals of entrepreneurship, success stories often paint a picture of swift triumphs and meteoric rises. However, behind many of these tales lies a journey fraught with challenges, setbacks, and perseverance. Melanie Perkins, the visionary co-founder of Canva, is no exception. Her path to building one of the world's leading design platforms was paved with determination, resilience, and unwavering belief in her vision.

Melanie Perkins, co-founder, Canva
Melanie Perkins, co-founder, Canva

Photo: Entrepreneur Asia Pacific

Perkins' entrepreneurial odyssey began with a simple yet ambitious idea—to revolutionize the future of publishing. Armed with boundless enthusiasm and a clear vision, she set out to turn her dream into reality. However, realizing this vision required more than just passion; it demanded a skilled and dedicated tech team capable of bringing her vision to life.

Enter Lars Rasmussen, the co-founder of Google Maps, whose serendipitous introduction would prove pivotal in Perkins' journey. Recognizing the potential of her idea, Rasmussen offered his support and expertise, connecting her with the tech talent she desperately needed. Yet, what ensued was a year-long quest marked by frustration and rejection.

Perkins recounts the arduous process of scouring LinkedIn, networking relentlessly, and reaching out to potential engineers, only to have each candidate rejected by Rasmussen. His unwavering insistence on finding top-tier talent tested Perkins' patience and resolve. Despite the setbacks, she remained steadfast in her pursuit, refusing to compromise on her standards.

"But what this actually entailed was just me trying to bring every single engineer I met on LinkedIn, met on the bus, just like literally anyone that would possibly join my tech team and him rejecting them just time and time and time again. And it was incredibly frustrating because this went on for a whole year"

Amidst the challenges and rejections, Perkins' perseverance eventually bore fruit. After a year of relentless effort, she finally crossed paths with Cameron Adams and Dave Herndon—two exceptional individuals whose expertise and passion aligned perfectly with her vision. With her dream team assembled, Perkins could finally set her sights on building the future of publishing.

The journey from conception to fruition was anything but easy for Melanie Perkins. It was a testament to her tenacity, resilience, and unwavering belief in her vision. Today, Canva stands as a testament to her perseverance, revolutionizing the way people design and create, and inspiring countless entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams against all odds.

Melanie Perkins' story serves as a poignant reminder that success is not always swift or linear. It is often forged through adversity, fueled by determination, and shaped by the relentless pursuit of one's vision. In a world where obstacles abound, her journey stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere.

Listen to her:

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