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Elon Musk on Failure: A Crucial Step Towards Success

When asked about his biggest failure and how it changed him, Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind companies like SpaceX and Tesla, had a telling response. "I have to really think hard about that. Failure? Never heard of it." Yet, Musk’s journey is filled with numerous setbacks, each one a learning opportunity that paved the way for his ultimate success.

Elon Musk
Elon Musk

Photo: FilmMagic for HBO

The Early Failures of SpaceX

Before SpaceX became the pioneering force in space exploration it is today, it faced a rocky start. Musk recalls,

"The first three launches failed and we were just barely able to scrape together enough parts and money to do the fourth launch. If that fourth launch had failed, we would have been dead."

This stark reality underscores the precarious nature of SpaceX's early days. Multiple failures marked the path, each one a potential endpoint for the fledgling company.

The Challenge of Finding the Right Expertise

Musk's difficulties were not limited to technical failures. He struggled to assemble a team with the right expertise.

"I tried very hard to get the right expertise in for SpaceX. I tried hard to find a great chief engineer for the rocket, but the good chief engineers wouldn't join. And the bad ones, well, there was no point in hiring them."

This challenge led Musk to take on the role of chief engineer himself, a decision born out of necessity rather than choice.

Learning from Failure

These early failures were not just setbacks; they were critical learning experiences. Musk's determination to overcome these obstacles highlights his resilience and willingness to take on immense challenges. His approach to failure is a testament to his belief in the importance of perseverance. By directly engaging with the technical aspects of SpaceX’s projects, Musk gained invaluable insights that helped steer the company toward success.

The Fourth Launch: A Turning Point

The pivotal moment for SpaceX came with the fourth launch. With limited resources and high stakes, success was far from guaranteed. However, the fourth launch succeeded, marking a significant milestone for SpaceX and setting the stage for future achievements. This success was a direct result of learning from previous failures and applying those lessons to improve.

Examples of Embracing Failure

Elon Musk's story is far from unique. Many successful entrepreneurs have faced significant failures before achieving their goals. Here are a few notable examples:

Henry Ford

Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company, experienced numerous failures before revolutionizing the automobile industry. His first two companies, the Detroit Automobile Company and the Henry Ford Company, both failed. However, Ford learned from these setbacks and eventually created the Ford Motor Company, introducing the Model T and pioneering assembly line production.

Colonel Harland Sanders

Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), faced numerous rejections before finding success. After retiring, Sanders traveled across the United States, pitching his fried chicken recipe to restaurant owners. He was rejected over a thousand times before finally securing a deal. Today, KFC is one of the largest fast-food chains in the world.

Lessons from Musk’s Journey

Elon Musk’s journey with SpaceX offers several key lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs:

  • Embrace Failure: Failure is an inevitable part of any innovative endeavor. Instead of fearing it, use it as a learning tool.

  • Perseverance: The path to success is rarely smooth. Perseverance and resilience are crucial in overcoming obstacles.

  • Hands-On Involvement: Direct involvement in the core aspects of your project can provide deeper insights and better control over outcomes.

  • Adaptability: When traditional solutions or expertise are not available, be prepared to step in and fill the gaps yourself.


Elon Musk’s candid reflection on his early failures with SpaceX provides a powerful reminder that success often comes through perseverance and learning from setbacks. His journey illustrates that failure, while challenging, is a critical component of innovation and growth. By embracing failure and remaining resilient, entrepreneurs can navigate their own paths to success, just as Musk did with SpaceX.

Listen to Elon:

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