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Elon Musk on Pushing Through Fear and Believing in Your Vision

Elon Musk, the visionary behind companies like SpaceX and Tesla, is no stranger to bold, risky decisions. When asked how he handles making decisions that others see as crazy, Musk shared insights that offer a glimpse into his mindset—one that embraces fear but doesn’t let it stand in the way of progress.

Elon Musk
Elon Musk

Photo: Wall Street Journal

Embracing Fear but Acting Anyway

Musk is refreshingly honest about the reality of fear. "It's normal to feel fear," he says, acknowledging that anyone who doesn't feel fear might have something "mentally wrong." This openness about fear is something many can relate to. Whether it's starting a new business, making a life-changing decision, or even just stepping out of your comfort zone, fear is a natural part of the process.

But here's where Musk’s approach differs: he doesn't let fear paralyze him. Instead, he allows the importance of the mission to drive him forward. When something is important enough, when you believe in it strongly enough, Musk says, "you do it in spite of the fear."

The Power of Fatalism in Decision-Making

One of the more surprising tools Musk mentions is the concept of fatalism. It might sound grim, but in Musk's case, it’s a way to manage fear. "If you just accept the probabilities, then that diminishes fear," he explains.

When Musk founded SpaceX, he believed the odds of success were less than 10%. He accepted that failure was not just possible, but likely. Yet, this acceptance didn't stop him; it fueled him. His goal wasn't just to succeed, but to move the ball forward—to make progress, even if the company itself didn’t survive. This mindset allowed him to keep pushing ahead, knowing that even in failure, there could be value.

Lessons from SpaceX and Tesla

Musk’s journey with SpaceX and Tesla are prime examples of this philosophy in action. With SpaceX, he started with the understanding that failure was more likely than success. Yet, he persisted because he believed in the importance of advancing space exploration. Even if SpaceX failed, he hoped it would inspire others to pick up where he left off.

The same was true for Tesla. Musk knew the odds of a new car company succeeding were "extremely low," but he believed in the vision of sustainable energy and the need for electric vehicles. That belief, combined with his acceptance of the risks, allowed him to push forward, despite the fear and doubt from others.

Conclusion: Belief and Acceptance as Keys to Success

Elon Musk's approach to decision-making offers a powerful lesson: fear is normal, but it doesn't have to stop you. When you believe in something deeply enough, that belief can drive you to act, even when the odds are against you. By accepting the risks and embracing the possibility of failure, Musk has been able to push through fear and achieve extraordinary things. His story is a testament to the power of belief, resilience, and the willingness to take risks for something greater than yourself.

Listen to Elon Musk:

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