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Embracing Failure: Jeff Bezos on the Path to Innovation

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has long been a champion of embracing failure as a critical component of innovation.

Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos

Photo: U.S. Air Force via KBI

His perspective is clear:

"You cannot invent and pioneer if you cannot accept failure."

For Bezos, failure and invention are inseparable twins, and the willingness to experiment is essential for breakthroughs.

The Necessity of Experimentation

Bezos emphasizes that to invent, one must be willing to experiment.

"If you know in advance that it's going to work, it is not an experiment."

This mindset is vital for innovation. Experimentation involves venturing into the unknown, trying new things, and accepting that not all attempts will succeed. In fact, many will fail. But these failures are not just inevitable—they are essential for learning and progress.

The Pain of Failure

Failure is often accompanied by embarrassment and disappointment. Bezos acknowledges this, stating, "It's embarrassing to fail." However, he urges entrepreneurs to reframe their perspective: "You have to say no, that's not how this works." Accepting failure as a part of the process helps mitigate the sting and allows for a more resilient approach to setbacks.

Calculated Risks

Bezos presents a compelling analogy to illustrate the importance of taking calculated risks.

"If I said to you, you have a 10% chance of a 100x return with a particular decision, you should take that bet every time. But you're still going to be wrong 9 out of 10 times, and it's going to feel bad 9 out of 10 times."

This highlights the value of high-risk, high-reward decisions. While the majority may fail, the occasional success can yield exponential benefits that far outweigh the losses.

Real-World Examples of Embracing Failure

James Dyson

James Dyson, the inventor of the Dyson vacuum cleaner, experienced 5,126 failures before he developed a working prototype. Each failure taught him something new, eventually leading to a revolutionary product that transformed the industry.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey, one of the most influential media moguls, faced numerous setbacks early in her career, including being fired from her first television job. She used these experiences as learning opportunities, ultimately creating a media empire.

Walt Disney

Walt Disney faced multiple business failures and even bankruptcy before creating the iconic Disney brand. His early failures didn't deter him; instead, they fueled his determination to create magical experiences that have delighted millions worldwide.

Lessons from Bezos' Approach

  • Embrace Failure: Understand that failure is a natural and necessary part of the innovation process. Each failure provides valuable lessons that contribute to future successes.

  • Experiment Boldly: Don't shy away from experimentation. Even if the majority of attempts fail, the few that succeed can lead to significant breakthroughs.

  • Reframe Perspective: Shift your mindset to view failures as stepping stones rather than setbacks. This helps build resilience and persistence.

  • Take Calculated Risks: Be willing to take risks with high potential rewards, even if the likelihood of success is low. The occasional success can have a substantial impact.


Jeff Bezos' insights on failure and innovation offer a powerful reminder that the path to success is rarely straightforward. Embracing failure, being willing to experiment, and taking calculated risks are essential components of pioneering new ideas and inventions. By adopting this mindset, entrepreneurs can navigate the challenges of innovation and ultimately achieve remarkable successes, just as Bezos has with Amazon.

Listen to Bezos:

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