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Jack Dorsey On How To Turn An Idea Into a Company

Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter and Square, shares invaluable insights on how to embark on the journey of entrepreneurship and achieve success. For aspiring founders, Dorsey's advice is both practical and profound: the hardest part is getting started.

Jack Dorsey
Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter (now X)

Image Credit: Getty Images

In response to the question of how to begin a company and attain success, Dorsey emphasizes the importance of action over mere ideas. While ideas may abound, it is the execution of those ideas that truly matters. Dorsey underscores the necessity of taking concrete steps to bring an idea to life, whether through programming, building, or simply articulating it.

"The hardest thing to do is start. You have all these ideas and everyone has an idea, but it's really about executing the idea and building the idea and attracting other people to help you work on the idea."

Dorsey identifies attracting other talented individuals to join the venture as the biggest challenge in the early stages. Building a team of passionate and skilled collaborators is essential for turning a vision into reality. However, Dorsey believes that the first step towards overcoming this challenge is to externalize the idea from one's mind.

He encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to draw out their ideas, discuss them with others, and take tangible actions to manifest them. Whether it's sketching designs, writing code, or creating prototypes, Dorsey emphasizes the importance of active engagement in the creative process.

In essence, Dorsey's approach to starting a company revolves around action, iteration, and collaboration. By translating ideas into tangible manifestations and rallying a team of dedicated individuals, founders can overcome the challenges of entrepreneurship and pave the way for success. Listen to the man himself:

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