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Jeff Bezos on Managing Stress: Taking Control and Taking Action

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but understanding its root cause can help us manage it better. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, offers valuable insights into the nature of stress and how to effectively handle it.

Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos

Photo: Joshua Roberts/REUTERS

Stress Isn’t About Hard Work

Contrary to popular belief, Bezos asserts that stress doesn’t come from hard work. Many people work incredibly hard and find joy in their work, experiencing little to no stress. On the other hand, being idle or unemployed can lead to high stress levels. This distinction is crucial: it’s not the amount of work that causes stress, but rather something deeper.

The Real Source of Stress

Bezos points out that stress primarily comes from not taking action over things we have some control over. Ignoring problems or delaying decisions can lead to increased anxiety and stress. For example, if you are out of work, simply worrying about it without taking steps to find a job will likely cause significant stress. However, if you actively engage in job hunting, attend interviews, and make a concerted effort to change your situation, your stress levels will likely decrease.

Taking Action Reduces Stress

The key to managing stress is to take control and take action. When faced with a problem, addressing it head-on can alleviate much of the associated stress. Here’s how you can apply Bezos’s advice to your own life:

  • Identify the Problem: Clearly define what is causing you stress. It could be a work-related issue, a personal problem, or something else.

  • Assess Your Control: Determine what aspects of the problem you can influence or control. Focus on these areas rather than worrying about things beyond your control.

  • Create an Action Plan: Develop a step-by-step plan to tackle the issue. Break it down into manageable tasks that you can address one at a time.

  • Take Immediate Steps: Begin taking action right away, even if the steps are small. The act of doing something about the problem will start to reduce your stress.

  • Stay Disciplined: Maintain a disciplined approach to solving the problem. Regularly review your progress and adjust your plan as needed.

Real-Life Example: Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison, the renowned inventor, exemplifies this approach to stress management. Throughout his career, Edison faced numerous challenges and setbacks. Instead of becoming stressed and overwhelmed, he took action. When his laboratory burned down in 1914, destroying years of valuable work, Edison famously said, “Thank goodness all our mistakes were burned up. Now we can start fresh again.” He immediately began rebuilding and continued to innovate, eventually inventing the phonograph and the electric light bulb.


Jeff Bezos’s perspective on stress teaches us that taking control and taking action are crucial in managing stress effectively. By addressing problems directly and working towards solutions, we can reduce the anxiety and pressure that come with unresolved issues. Whether it’s a work challenge, a personal dilemma, or any other stressor, the key is to actively engage with the problem and take steps to resolve it. This proactive approach can lead to a more fulfilling and less stressful life.

Listen to Jeff Bezos:

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