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Jeff Bezos on the Power of "Day One" Mentality

Jeff Bezos, the visionary founder of Amazon, believes in a philosophy he calls "Day One." This concept is all about approaching every day with the mindset that it's your first day in business. According to Bezos, this mentality allows you to stay innovative, flexible, and focused on what's important.

Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos

Photo: Wikimedia Commons; Daniel Oberhaus

What is "Day One" Thinking?

"Day One" thinking means that every day is a fresh start. You are not bound by past decisions or mistakes. Instead, you get to make new decisions about innovation, customer service, and operations. Bezos warns against the trap of self-consistency, which is the idea that you must always stick to what you've done before.

"Self-consistency even can be a trap," Bezos explains. He emphasizes the importance of not getting stuck in old habits or dogma. While history and past experiences hold valuable lessons, blindly following them without questioning can hinder growth and innovation.

Embracing Flexibility and Innovation

One of the key aspects of "Day One" thinking is the willingness to reinvent yourself and your business continually. This means being open to new ideas and ready to pivot when necessary. Bezos believes that staying flexible and innovative is crucial for long-term success.

A great example of this principle in action is Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks. When Schultz returned to Starbucks in 2008, the company was struggling. Instead of relying solely on the strategies that had worked in the past, he embraced a fresh perspective. Schultz closed hundreds of underperforming stores, revamped the menu, and refocused the company on its core values. By adopting a "Day One" mindset, Schultz was able to rejuvenate Starbucks and lead it to new heights.

Avoiding the Trap of Dogma

Bezos also stresses the importance of not being trapped by dogma. This means not just following traditions or established practices without questioning their relevance. It's about keeping what works and discarding what doesn't, always with an eye towards improvement.

"Day one thinking is we start fresh every day and we get to make new decisions every day about invention, about customers, about how we're going to operate even as deeply as what our principles are because you never want to get trapped by dogma."

Reed Hastings, co-founder of Netflix, is another entrepreneur who exemplifies this mindset. Netflix started as a DVD rental service, but Hastings saw the potential for streaming. Despite the initial success of the DVD model, Hastings wasn't afraid to pivot. By embracing the new technology and focusing on streaming, he transformed Netflix into a global entertainment giant.

Starting Fresh Every Day

"Day One" thinking is about treating every day as an opportunity to start anew. It's about staying curious, being willing to experiment, and not being afraid of failure. This approach can keep a company dynamic and responsive to changes in the market and customer needs.

"There's so much value in what has worked in the past but you can't be blindly following what you've done and that's the heart of day one. You're always starting fresh."

Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, practiced this philosophy during her tenure. She led significant changes in the company’s product portfolio, pushing for healthier options and sustainability. Nooyi’s willingness to challenge the status quo and make bold decisions helped transform PepsiCo into a forward-thinking, diversified company.


Jeff Bezos' "Day One" philosophy is a powerful approach to business. It encourages continuous innovation, flexibility, and a focus on what truly matters. By embracing this mindset, you can avoid the traps of self-consistency and dogma, making every day an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Learning from leaders like Howard Schultz, Reed Hastings, and Indra Nooyi, we see the impact of "Day One" thinking. These leaders stayed flexible, embraced innovation, and weren't afraid to reinvent their companies. Adopting this mentality can help you navigate the ever-changing business landscape and lead your company to success.

Listen to Jeff Bezos:

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