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Jeff Bezos on the Power of Obvious Ideas in Business

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, believes that the most significant ideas in business are often obvious. However, maintaining a firm grasp on these obvious ideas and continually investing energy into them is the key to long-term success.

Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos

Photo: Getty Images

The Importance of the Obvious

In business, the "big ideas" are usually straightforward. For Bezos, the challenge lies not in identifying these ideas but in staying focused on them. It's easy to get distracted by new trends or flashy innovations, but the real value comes from sticking with what matters most to your customers.

Spinning Up Flywheels

Bezos uses the metaphor of a flywheel to describe this process. A flywheel is a heavy wheel that takes effort to start spinning, but once it gains momentum, it keeps going with little additional effort. In business, this means continuously putting energy into your core ideas and services. Over time, this builds momentum, creating a powerful and efficient system.

AWS as an Example

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a prime example of this philosophy. When AWS first launched, it was based on the simple idea of providing scalable, reliable, and low-cost web infrastructure services to businesses. By consistently focusing on improving and expanding these services, AWS has become a leader in cloud computing.

What Genuinely Matters to Customers

The key to maintaining focus on obvious ideas is understanding what genuinely matters to your customers. For Amazon, this has always been about providing the best possible service, whether through faster delivery times, lower prices, or more product variety. By continuously improving these aspects, Amazon has built a loyal customer base and a robust business model.


Jeff Bezos teaches us that the most successful businesses are built on simple, obvious ideas. The challenge is to stay focused on these ideas, invest energy into them, and continually improve the services that matter most to your customers. By doing so, you can build a business that not only survives but thrives in the long term.

Listen to Jeff Bezos:

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