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Jensen Huang If Had To Do All Over Again, He Wouldn't

In a candid interview, Jensen Huang, the CEO of NVIDIA, reflects on the challenges and realities of entrepreneurship, offering valuable insights for aspiring founders. When posed with the hypothetical scenario of starting a company again, Huang's response is unequivocal: he wouldn't do it.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang, co-founder of NVIDIA

photo: x @nvidia

Huang's reluctance stems from the profound understanding of the arduous journey that lies ahead. Having experienced firsthand the trials and tribulations of building a company, Huang acknowledges that the path to success is far more daunting than anticipated. The pain, suffering, vulnerability, and challenges encountered along the way are immense, often accompanied by feelings of embarrassment and shame.

"I wouldn't do it. I know. The reason why I wouldn't do it, and it goes back to why it's so hard, is building a company and building a video turned out to have been a million times harder than any of us expected it to be."

Despite the hardships, Huang acknowledges the remarkable resilience and optimism inherent in entrepreneurs. They possess a unique ability to overlook the daunting nature of the journey and instead focus on the possibilities that lie ahead. This unwavering optimism, coupled with a willingness to embrace the unknown, is the hallmark of an entrepreneur's superpower.

"And at that time, if we realized the pain and suffering and just how vulnerable you're going to feel and the challenges that you're going to endure, the embarrassment and the shame and the list of all the things that go wrong, I don't think anybody would start a company. Nobody in their right mind would do it."

However, Huang also cautions against naivety, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging the true magnitude of the endeavor. The journey of entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted, and the challenges far exceed what one might initially anticipate.

"[the superpower of a entrepreneur] They don't know how hard it is, and they only ask themselves, how hard can it be? And to this day, I trick my brain into thinking, how hard can it be? Because it's way harder than you think."

Reflecting on his own journey, Huang acknowledges that if he were to embark on the entrepreneurial path again, armed with the knowledge and experience he possesses today, he would hesitate. The toll it takes on one's physical, emotional, and mental well-being is significant, and the prospect of enduring it all over again seems daunting.

In conclusion, Jensen Huang's reflections offer a sobering yet insightful perspective on entrepreneurship. While the allure of innovation and success may be enticing, it's essential to approach the journey with eyes wide open, acknowledging both the rewards and the challenges that lie ahead. Aspiring entrepreneurs would do well to heed Huang's advice and carefully consider the true cost of building a company before embarking on the journey.

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