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Jensen Huang Wants Entrepreneurs To Suffer. But Why?

In a world where high expectations often set the stage for profound disappointment, Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA, offers a refreshing perspective on achieving success. When asked about the advice he would give to improve one's chances of success, Huang highlighted the importance of resilience—a trait he believes is often undervalued yet crucial.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

Photo: CommonWealth Magazine

The Power of Low Expectations

"I think one of my great advantages is that I have very low expectations,"

This might sound counterintuitive in a society that prizes ambition and high goals. However, Huang's reasoning is clear and compelling.

"People with very high expectations have very low resilience. And unfortunately, resilience matters in success."

The Role of Pain and Suffering

Huang emphasizes that resilience is built through experiencing and overcoming challenges.

"I don't know how to teach it to you except for I hope suffering happens to you,"

he says, underscoring the importance of facing setbacks. Huang credits his upbringing for instilling this resilience. His parents provided a supportive environment but also allowed for plenty of opportunities for setbacks and suffering.

This approach has influenced how Huang runs NVIDIA.

"To this day, I use the phrase 'pain and suffering' inside our company with great glee. Boy, this is going to cause a lot of pain and suffering. And I mean that in a happy way because you want to refine the character of your company."

Huang's belief is that enduring hardships refines character, a critical component of greatness.

Greatness is Character, Not Intelligence

Huang makes a profound distinction between intelligence and character.

"Greatness is not intelligence, as you know. Greatness comes from character, and character isn't formed out of smart people. It's formed out of people who suffered."

In other words, while intelligence can be an asset, it is the ability to endure and grow from adversity that truly defines greatness.

The Broader Implications

Huang's insights are particularly relevant in today's fast-paced and often unpredictable business environment. Companies that can foster resilience among their employees are more likely to thrive. This means creating an environment where challenges are met head-on and where setbacks are seen as opportunities for growth rather than reasons for despair.


Jensen Huang's advice to embrace resilience through low expectations and the willingness to endure pain and suffering offers a valuable lesson. Success is not merely a product of intelligence but of character forged through adversity. By fostering an environment that values resilience, individuals and companies alike can cultivate the strength needed to overcome challenges and achieve lasting greatness. This perspective not only provides a roadmap for personal development but also offers a blueprint for building robust, resilient organizations ready to face the future.

Listen to Jensen:

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