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Just Do It: Jack Dorsey's Guide to Turning Ideas into Action

Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and Square, offers a simple yet powerful piece of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs: "Just do it." This mantra, famously associated with Nike, captures the essence of what it takes to turn ideas into reality.

Jack Dorsey
Jack Dorsey

Stop Overthinking, Start Doing

According to Dorsey, a lot of time is wasted in thinking and talking about ideas. While planning and discussion are important, they can often lead to paralysis by analysis. The real progress begins when you put your thoughts into action.

  • Put It on Paper: Whether it's a business plan, a prototype, or a rough draft, getting your idea down on paper is the first step towards making it tangible.

  • Write Code: If you're in tech, start coding. The sooner you have something to show, the sooner you can test and improve it.

Embrace Mistakes and Keep Moving Forward

Dorsey emphasizes that making mistakes is an inevitable part of the process. The key is not to avoid mistakes but to learn from them and keep moving forward.

  • Make Decisions: Every decision moves you closer to your goal. Even if it turns out to be the wrong choice, it's better than stagnating.

  • Learn and Adapt: Use mistakes as learning opportunities. Each misstep teaches you what doesn't work, bringing you closer to what does.

Take the Criticism

Launching your idea to the world requires courage. Not everyone will love your product or concept, and that's okay. Criticism can be invaluable.

  • Be Brave: It takes guts to put your work out there. Trust in your vision and be prepared for feedback.

  • Listen and Improve: Use constructive criticism to refine and enhance your idea. Feedback, even when harsh, can guide you towards a better product.

Real-Life Example: Twitter

When Jack Dorsey and his team first launched Twitter, it was a simple idea: a platform for short status updates. They didn't overthink it; they just built it. Twitter wasn't perfect at first. There were plenty of technical issues and doubters. But by putting their idea into the world and continually refining it based on user feedback, they created one of the most influential social media platforms.


Jack Dorsey's advice is clear and actionable: just do it. Stop overthinking, start doing, embrace mistakes, keep moving forward, and be brave enough to take criticism. By following this approach, you can turn your ideas into reality and set yourself on the path to success.

Listen to Jack Dorsey:

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