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Kevin Hale on the Power of Remarkable Products

Kevin Hale, a renowned entrepreneur and partner at Y Combinator, has a clear message for budding business owners: if you need to spend a lot on marketing and advertising, it's often a sign that your product isn't remarkable enough. Hale believes that the most powerful form of growth is through word of mouth, driven by customers who are genuinely excited about what you offer.

Kevin Hale
Kevin Hale

Photo: Y Combinator

The Tax of Mediocrity

Hale argues that heavy spending on marketing and advertising is a "tax" you pay for not creating a standout product. In other words, if your product isn't exceptional, you have to compensate by pouring money into marketing efforts to gain attention.

Kevin Systrom, the co-founder of Instagram, provides a perfect example of Hale's philosophy in action. When Instagram first launched, Systrom and his team didn't spend heavily on marketing. Instead, they focused on creating a simple, beautiful app that made sharing photos easy and fun. The product was so remarkable that users couldn't stop talking about it, and Instagram quickly gained millions of users through word of mouth alone.

The Magic of Word of Mouth

According to Hale, the easiest and most effective growth comes from word of mouth. When people love your product, they naturally want to share it with others. This kind of organic promotion is far more powerful than any paid advertisement because it's rooted in genuine enthusiasm.

Dropbox is another great example of a company that leveraged word of mouth for growth. Instead of investing heavily in traditional marketing, Dropbox used a referral program that rewarded users with extra storage space for inviting friends. This strategy turned satisfied users into active promoters, leading to exponential growth.

Crafting a Compelling Story

Hale emphasizes the importance of having a story that people want to share. When your product is remarkable, it makes the user feel interesting and knowledgeable when they talk about it. This turns your customers into your salesforce, spreading the word about your product because it enhances their social currency.

Take Tesla, for instance. Elon Musk's vision for sustainable energy and electric vehicles isn't just about cars; it's about a better future. Tesla owners often become advocates because the product aligns with their values and gives them a sense of participating in something larger than themselves. This compelling narrative has helped Tesla grow a dedicated customer base with minimal traditional advertising.


Kevin Hale's advice underscores the importance of focusing on your product's quality and story. If your product is truly remarkable, it will naturally generate word of mouth, reducing the need for heavy marketing expenditures. Learning from examples like Instagram, Dropbox, and Tesla, we see how powerful word of mouth can be when driven by a product that excites and inspires users.

So, if you want your business to grow, make sure your product is something people can't stop talking about. Create a compelling story around it, and let your satisfied customers become your most effective salesforce. This approach not only saves money on marketing but also builds a loyal customer base that passionately supports your brand.

Listen to Kevin Hale:

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