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Kevin Systrom on Startup Success: It’s About Depth, Not Just Features

In the startup world, there's often this idea that more features mean more success. But Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom doesn’t agree. He recalls a moment when a venture capitalist (VC) questioned why Instagram hadn’t launched many new features over a year. To Kevin, the question missed the point. “Dude,” he said, “do you know how much work we’ve done to scale to where we are today?” It’s not about cramming in more features no one will use, but about going deep and making something truly great.

Kevin Systrom, Co-founder, Instagram
Kevin Systrom, Co-founder, Instagram

Photo: Instagram/@kevin

The Power of Focus

Kevin shared how Instagram didn’t focus on endless new features. Instead, they zeroed in on what mattered. They improved things people already loved, like adding hashtags (a game-changer), creating new filters, and making those filters fast and easy to use. The goal was always to take what worked and make it even better, not just pile on unnecessary stuff.

Less Can Be More

It wasn’t easy. Instagram’s small team of only two or three engineers had to stay laser-focused. But that’s what made them successful. The lack of manpower wasn’t a weakness – it was what forced them to concentrate on the right things. Instead of trying to do everything, they did a few things really well, and that made all the difference. Kevin even described this focus as the thing that made Instagram “shine.”

Growth Through Discipline

One of the biggest challenges startups face is knowing when to expand and when to double down on what's already working. Systrom acknowledges that, if given the chance, he’d hire more people more quickly. But at the time, their small, lean team drove them to be disciplined and efficient. It pushed them to go deep on perfecting the product, rather than getting distracted by adding too many bells and whistles. That’s how they scaled to over 15 million users.

Focus Drives Growth

Kevin’s experience at Instagram shows that startups should prioritize what’s essential. Instead of chasing every new idea, concentrate on enhancing the core experience. Identify what users love, and make that better.

Conclusion: Quality Over Quantity

In the fast-paced world of startups, it’s easy to think that success lies in launching feature after feature. But Kevin Systrom’s journey with Instagram proves that real success comes from focus. Instead of spreading your resources thin by adding too many features, concentrate on improving the few things that make your product special. That’s how you create lasting growth and build something people truly love.

Listen to Kevin Systrom:

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