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Kevin Systrom's Number 1 Advice For Entrepreneurs

Kevin Systrom, the co-founder of Instagram, offers a fundamental piece of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs: solve a problem. He emphasizes that many people start companies just to start them or because they have an idea. However, ideas alone are not companies, nor are they products. For a venture to succeed, it must address a clear problem that affects real people or businesses.

Kevin Systrom
Kevin Systrom

Photo: Callaghan O’Hare/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The Pitfall of Chasing Fads

Systrom warns against jumping on the latest trends without a solid foundation. Buzzwords like AI and crypto can make a company sound cutting-edge, but if they're not backed by a genuine solution to a real problem, they're just fluff. Systrom has seen countless pitches where the use of trendy technologies doesn't address a clear need. This approach can lead to failure because it lacks a meaningful connection to potential customers' needs.

The Importance of Problem-Solving

The core of Systrom's advice is to ensure that your business idea genuinely solves a problem. Before diving into development, it's crucial to talk to potential customers and ask whether your solution makes their lives easier. If the answer is yes, you're on the right track. If not, it's time to rethink your approach.

Insights from Other Successful Entrepreneurs

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, echoes this sentiment. He advises entrepreneurs to focus on creating value for their customers. Hoffman once said,

"You have to be constantly reinventing. You need to be a learning machine."

This means continually assessing and reassessing the problem you're solving and ensuring your solution remains relevant.

Real-World Examples

A great example of solving a real problem is Airbnb. Founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia started with a simple problem: finding affordable lodging during a sold-out conference. They saw an opportunity to help people make extra money by renting out their spaces and to help travelers find unique, affordable accommodations. This clear problem-solving approach helped Airbnb grow into the global giant it is today.

Another example is Dropbox. Drew Houston founded Dropbox after repeatedly forgetting his USB drive. He realized there was a broader problem of file storage and sharing that many people faced. By addressing this need with a user-friendly solution, Dropbox quickly gained traction and became a staple for millions of users.

Staying Grounded

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of new technologies and trends, but staying grounded in solving real problems is crucial. This approach not only helps in creating a product that people genuinely need but also builds a loyal customer base that appreciates the value you provide.


Kevin Systrom's advice to focus on solving problems is a cornerstone of successful entrepreneurship. By identifying and addressing real needs, entrepreneurs can create products and companies that stand the test of time. Avoid the temptation to chase fads without substance, and always ensure that your business idea provides a tangible benefit to your customers. As Reid Hoffman and other successful entrepreneurs have shown, continuous learning and adaptation are key to staying relevant and valuable in the ever-changing business landscape.

Remember, solving a real problem for real people is the foundation of any successful venture. Focus on that, and the rest will follow.

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