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Naval Ravikant on Why Networking is Overrated

Naval Ravikant, a well-known entrepreneur and investor, offers a refreshing perspective on networking that challenges conventional wisdom. According to Ravikant, startups should avoid spending excessive time in meetings unless absolutely necessary. He believes that the common advice to network extensively is overrated and can be counterproductive.

Naval Ravikant
Naval Ravikant
"Don't spend your time doing meetings unless you really, really have to. I really think networking is overrated."

Ravikant argues that many articles and experts stress the importance of networking, often suggesting that building connections is the key to success. However, he finds this approach misguided and even nauseating. Instead, he advocates for focusing on creating something truly great. Whether it’s a groundbreaking product or a substantial customer base, doing excellent work will naturally attract the right network.

Go do something great, and your network will instantly emerge.

"If you build a great product or if you get a good customer base, I guarantee you we will get you funded," says Ravikant. He emphasizes that a well-developed product or service will draw the attention and resources needed without the need for extensive pre-emptive relationship building. The essence of his message is that exceptional work speaks for itself.

Ravikant acknowledges that some level of interaction is necessary, particularly for recruiting and learning from exceptionally smart people. However, he stresses the importance of having something valuable to offer in return. Simply taking from others without contributing is not a sustainable or respectful approach.

"All that meeting stuff you're doing, shaking hands, do it for recruiting. Do it to learn from really, really smart people, but you've got to make sure you have something to offer them too. Otherwise, you're just taking."

In his view, traditional networking activities, such as attending events with name tags and glasses in hand, are not worth the effort. Instead, he encourages entrepreneurs to channel their energy into their work. By doing something remarkable, the right connections and opportunities will naturally follow.

Naval Ravikant's advice serves as a reminder that success stems from the quality of your work. Rather than chasing after connections, focus on building something of real value. The network you need will emerge as a result of your achievements. This approach not only leads to more meaningful and productive relationships but also aligns your efforts with the creation of something truly impactful.

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