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Paul Graham's Simple Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Just Learn

Paul Graham, co-founder of Y Combinator, offers a straightforward yet profound piece of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs: just learn. In his view, the foundation of a successful startup lies in the deep knowledge and expertise gained through genuine intellectual curiosity.

Paul Graham
Paul Graham

Photo: Getty Images

Embrace Intellectual Curiosity

Graham emphasizes the importance of pursuing powerful knowledge during college. He believes that if you have a genuine thirst for learning, you'll naturally gravitate towards subjects and skills that interest you. This intellectual curiosity is what will eventually drive your entrepreneurial success.

The Importance of Domain Expertise

A critical component of entrepreneurship, according to Graham, is domain expertise. He uses Larry Page, co-founder of Google, as an example. Page's success in creating one of the most powerful search engines was rooted in his deep interest and expertise in search technology. Page didn't set out with the sole aim of becoming an entrepreneur; his curiosity and passion for search technology naturally led him to develop Google.

"The component of entrepreneurship, I can never quite say that word with a straight face, that really matters is domain expertise."

Curiosity Over Ulterior Motives

Graham points out that the best startups often stem from a founder's genuine interest rather than an ulterior motive. When your primary goal is to learn and explore a field that fascinates you, the entrepreneurial opportunities will follow. He suggests that the drive to start a startup should come after you have developed your expertise, not before.

The Ultimate Advice: Just Learn

Graham distills his advice for young, aspiring startup founders into two simple words: "just learn." By focusing on learning and acquiring deep knowledge in areas that interest you, you build a solid foundation for potential entrepreneurial ventures. This approach ensures that when you do decide to start a startup, you will have the expertise and passion needed to succeed.

"So here is the ultimate advice for young, would-be startup founders reduced to two words, just learn."

Learning in Action: Examples from Successful Entrepreneurs

Jack Dorsey - Twitter and Square

Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and Square, is another example of the power of learning and curiosity. Dorsey's interest in dispatch routing and real-time status updates led him to create Twitter. His fascination with simplifying financial transactions for small businesses gave birth to Square. Dorsey’s startups are rooted in his genuine interests and the expertise he developed in these domains.

Brian Chesky - Airbnb

Brian Chesky, co-founder of Airbnb, started with a deep interest in design and user experience. His curiosity about creating unique experiences for people, combined with his background in design, led to the creation of Airbnb. Chesky's success is a testament to the idea that deep knowledge and passion in a particular area can lead to groundbreaking entrepreneurial ventures.


Paul Graham's advice to "just learn" is a call to embrace intellectual curiosity and develop deep expertise in areas that genuinely interest you. This approach not only prepares you for entrepreneurial success but also ensures that your ventures are rooted in passion and knowledge. By focusing on learning first, you set yourself up for a future where entrepreneurial opportunities arise naturally from your expertise and interests.

Listen to Paul Graham:

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