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Race Against the Clock: How Successful People View Time Differently by Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy, a renowned self-development author and motivational speaker, has a fascinating take on how successful people view time. According to Tracy, successful individuals see every day as a race against the clock, striving to accomplish as much as possible before the day ends. Let's dive into his insights and see how they can inspire us to use our time more effectively.

Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy

The Clock as a Motivator

For successful people, the clock isn't just a measure of time—it's a challenge. They view each day as a race against time, constantly pushing themselves to achieve more. This mindset drives them to come in early, work through lunch, stay late, and even put in hours on weekends. Their goal is to maximize productivity and cover as much ground as possible.

The Clock as an Enemy

On the flip side, Tracy points out that 80% of people see the clock differently. For them, the clock is also an enemy, but in a different way. It dictates when they must start working, when they can take breaks, and when they can finally stop for the day. This group often views time as something that forces them to work rather than as an opportunity to achieve more.

The Key Difference

The crucial difference between these two groups lies in their perception of time. Successful people see time as a valuable resource, an opportunity to contribute more value. They don't wait for the clock to tell them when to work—they seize every moment to make progress. Unsuccessful people, however, often look forward to the times they can stop working, treating the clock as a restrictive force.

Real-World Examples

  1. Elon Musk: Known for his incredible work ethic, Musk often works 80-100 hour weeks. He maximizes his time to drive forward his ambitious goals with Tesla and SpaceX.

  2. Oprah Winfrey: Oprah is known for her early starts and long days, consistently pushing herself to achieve more and inspire others.

  3. Jeff Bezos: While advocating for a balanced life, Bezos still emphasizes intense focus and productivity during working hours, viewing time as a critical resource for Amazon's success.

  4. Serena Williams: Williams' rigorous training schedule and dedication to her sport exemplify how viewing time as an opportunity leads to greatness.

  5. Warren Buffett: Buffett spends a significant amount of his time reading and learning, showcasing his belief in using time effectively to gain knowledge and make informed decisions.

Embracing the Successful Mindset

To adopt the mindset of successful people, start by viewing the clock as an ally rather than an enemy. See each day as an opportunity to achieve more, and push yourself to make the most of every moment. Embrace early starts, focused work sessions, and the idea that time is a valuable resource to be maximized.


Brian Tracy's insights remind us that how we perceive time can greatly influence our success. By viewing the clock as a motivator and seizing every opportunity to be productive, we can achieve more and reach our goals faster. So, the next time you look at the clock, ask yourself: "How can I make the most of this time?" and race against it with enthusiasm and determination.

Listen to Brian Tracy:

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