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Reed Hastings on Leadership: Authenticity is Key

Reed Hastings, co-founder and CEO of Netflix, offers a simple yet profound piece of advice for leaders at any stage of their journey: be authentic. According to Hastings, whether you’re leading a small team or overseeing thousands of employees, pretending to be someone you’re not is a recipe for failure.

Reed Hastings, Co-founder, Netflix
Reed Hastings, Co-founder, Netflix

Embrace Your True Self

It’s common for aspiring leaders to look up to figures like Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates and try to mimic their styles. But Hastings argues that authenticity is far more inspiring than imitation. People respond to genuine leadership, even if you’re a quieter or more reserved person. What matters is that fierce will to see the company succeed. If your desire to improve the company shines through and you stay true to yourself, people will respect and follow you.

Trust is Built Through Authenticity

Hastings also emphasizes the importance of trust in leadership. Leaders who are transparent and honest—who openly express their intentions for the company's success—will build loyal and motivated teams. On the flip side, leaders who hide things or try to put on an act will quickly lose credibility. Trust is fragile, and once it’s broken, cynicism can creep in, derailing the momentum of the entire team.

The Bottom Line: Care About the Company’s Success

At the end of the day, what drives great leadership is a genuine commitment to the company's success. If your team knows that every decision you make is in the company’s best interest, they’ll rally behind you. Authenticity isn't just a personal quality—it's the key to creating a culture of trust, dedication, and excellence.

Listen to Reed Hastings:

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