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Sam Altman: Best Founders Are Generalists

When it comes to the age-old debate of whether the best founders are generalists or specialists, Sam Altman, a prominent figure in the AI world, offers a compelling perspective. Altman believes that the most successful founders possess a unique blend of skills, with a leaning towards generalization.

Sam Altman
Sam Altman, CEO, OpenAI

Image: Stephen Brashear (AP)

In Altman's view, founders may start their journey as specialists, honing their expertise in a particular technology or domain. However, as their venture evolves from a mere product into a full-fledged company, a fundamental shift occurs. This transition marks the pivotal moment when founders must embrace the art of generalization.

Altman emphasizes that building a successful company requires a multifaceted approach. Founders must wear many hats, juggling various responsibilities ranging from product development to team building, sales, marketing, and beyond. It's this ability to adapt and excel in diverse roles that sets exceptional founders apart.

The key, according to Altman, lies in striking a delicate balance between specialization and generalization. While founders may retain their expertise in specific areas, they must also cultivate a broader understanding of the business landscape. This holistic perspective enables them to navigate the complexities of building and scaling a company effectively.

Altman's advice is clear:

"When you transition from building a product to building a company you got to specialize in generalization starting that day and never look back"

In essence, the best founders are masters of generalization, adept at seamlessly transitioning between various roles and responsibilities. By embracing this ethos, founders can position themselves for long-term success and resilience in the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship.

Listen to what he has to say:

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