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Sam Altman's Advice That People Wished They Listened To

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, offers a piece of advice that resonates deeply with many who find themselves at a crossroads in life:

"It is very easy to get sucked into a path in life."
Sam Altman, CEO, OpenAI
Sam Altman, CEO, OpenAI

Photo: Stripe

Altman warns that while it's common to say, "I want to start a startup someday," or "I want to be an AI researcher someday," it’s also easy to get sidetracked by other jobs that promise to build experience or financial stability. This detour can end up consuming your entire life, leaving you doing something that isn’t truly what you wanted.

Altman’s advice is not just theoretical. Many people have come back to him years later, saying they wish they had listened to him. They regret not pursuing their true passions from the start, having instead taken jobs that seemed like good stepping stones but ended up becoming long-term commitments.

A similar sentiment is echoed by Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group. Branson has always advocated for following your passions. He once said,

"If you don't have time for the small things, you won't have time for the big things."

Branson believes that getting caught up in jobs or tasks that don't align with your true goals can prevent you from ever achieving them. His own career is a testament to taking risks and following passions—he started his first business, a magazine, at the age of 16 and later built a diverse business empire.

A powerful example of someone who avoided the trap of getting sucked into an unintended path is Larry Page, co-founder of Google. Page was passionate about improving the way people accessed information. Instead of taking a high-paying job after college, he pursued his vision of creating a better search engine. This decision led to the creation of Google, which revolutionized the internet and became one of the most successful companies in the world.

Similarly, consider the case of Whitney Wolfe Herd, the founder of Bumble. Wolfe Herd was part of the founding team at Tinder but left due to conflicts. Instead of taking a safe job elsewhere, she pursued her vision of creating a female-centric dating app. Her passion and commitment to this vision led to Bumble becoming a major player in the online dating industry and made her one of the youngest female billionaires.

In conclusion, Sam Altman's advice about not getting sucked into a path that isn't truly yours is crucial. It’s easy to take a job that seems like a good opportunity but isn't aligned with your ultimate goals. However, as Altman, Branson, Page, and Wolfe Herd demonstrate, following your true passion, even when it’s risky, can lead to profound success and fulfillment. So, think carefully about the path you choose and make sure it aligns with what you genuinely want to achieve.

Listen to Sam Altman:

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