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Sam Altman Tells Two Strategies For Startups Building On AI

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), entrepreneurs face a critical decision: how to approach building on AI technologies. Sam Altman, a prominent figure in the tech industry, outlines two fundamental strategies that startups can adopt in this domain.

Sam Altman
Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI

The first strategy entails assuming that AI models will not significantly improve over time. In this approach, startups focus on building incremental innovations on top of existing AI models. While this strategy may seem cautious and pragmatic, Altman suggests that it could lead to missed opportunities for growth and competitiveness in the long run.

"Fundamentally there are two strategies to build on AI right now. There's one strategy which is assume the model is not going to get better and then you kind of like build all these little things on top of it. "

Contrastingly, the second strategy involves betting on the continuous advancement of AI models. Startups adopting this approach anticipate that AI technologies will improve at a rapid pace, and they design their products and services accordingly. By leveraging the potential of future AI advancements, these startups position themselves to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

"And then there's another strategy which is build assuming that open air is going to stay on the same rate of trajectory and the models are going to keep getting better at the same pace. "

Altman argues that while the latter strategy may appear riskier, it holds significant potential for success, especially as AI technologies continue to progress. Startups that align with this trajectory stand to benefit from the exponential growth of AI capabilities, positioning themselves for long-term success and market leadership.

However, Altman warns against complacency. He emphasizes the importance of continuously improving AI models and their tooling to maintain a competitive edge in the market. Startups that fail to adapt and innovate risk being overshadowed by competitors leveraging more advanced AI technologies.

"There's a giant set of startups where you benefit from GPT-5 being way better and if you build those and AI progress keeps going the way that we think it's going to go I think for the most part you'll be really happy."

In conclusion, Altman's insights shed light on the dichotomy facing AI startups: embrace the uncertainty and bet on the relentless progress of AI, or take a cautious approach and build incrementally on existing technologies. While each strategy carries its own set of risks and rewards, Altman's advice underscores the importance of forward-thinking and adaptability in navigating the dynamic AI landscape. As startups chart their course in the AI frontier, they must carefully weigh their options and position themselves for success in an ever-changing landscape. Listen to him:

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