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Steve Jobs on Hiring Top Talent: Why the Best People Are Worth the Wait

Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple, was known for his relentless pursuit of excellence. Whether it was the design of the first iPhone or the selection of his team, Jobs never settled for second best. One of the most interesting insights he shared about his leadership was how long it could take him to hire the right people—but he always believed it was worth it.

Steve Jobs, Co-founder, Apple
Steve Jobs, Co-founder, Apple

The Year-Long Hunt for Talent

Jobs often found that the truly exceptional people—the ones he really wanted to hire—took a long time to recruit. It wasn't uncommon for him to spend a year or more trying to bring someone on board. This wasn’t just a quirk of the tech industry; it was a testament to how Jobs viewed talent. He understood that finding the right person wasn’t just about filling a role; it was about finding someone who could make a lasting impact.

He once shared how it took him over a year to pry some of the best technical people out of their previous jobs, whether at HP or other tech giants. But in Jobs' mind, they were always worth the wait. He believed that if you settle for someone just because they’re available, you’ll always compare them to the person you really wanted. And in that comparison, the person you settled for will inevitably fall short.

The Danger of Compromise

Jobs’ philosophy was clear: don’t compromise. When you meet someone who is truly exceptional, it’s better to wait and keep chipping away until you can get them on your team, rather than settling for someone else. Compromise in hiring, according to Jobs, is a surefire way to end up with a team that’s good but not great.

This approach might seem extreme, especially in a fast-paced industry like tech, but Jobs believed that the long-term benefits far outweighed the short-term challenges. By surrounding himself with the very best, he ensured that Apple was always at the forefront of innovation.

Lessons in Patience and Persistence

Running a company is never without its challenges, and Jobs was the first to admit that Apple had made its share of mistakes. But one area where he never wavered was in his commitment to hiring the best people. Even if it took a year or more, he knew that the right person could help steer the company in the right direction and avoid future mistakes.

Jobs’ experience serves as a valuable lesson for entrepreneurs and leaders today. In a world where speed often seems like the ultimate goal, there’s something to be said for patience and persistence. Whether you’re building a startup or leading a team in a larger organization, taking the time to find the right people can be the difference between success and mediocrity.

So, the next time you find yourself frustrated by how long it’s taking to hire that perfect candidate, remember Steve Jobs’ advice: Don’t compromise. The best people are always worth the wait.

Listen to Steve Jobs:

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