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Steve Jobs on the Power of Simply Asking

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, had an early life lesson that shaped his approach to life and business: the power of asking. As a young boy, Jobs discovered that sometimes, all it takes to get what you need is simply to ask for it.

Steve Jobs, Co-founder, Apple
Steve Jobs, Co-founder, Apple

Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The Story of a 12-Year-Old Jobs and Bill Hewlett

When Steve Jobs was just 12 years old, he had a passion for building things. One day, he decided he wanted to build a frequency counter, a device used to measure frequencies. However, he didn’t have all the necessary parts. Instead of giving up or waiting until he could afford the parts, Jobs did something bold—he picked up the phone and called Bill Hewlett, the co-founder of Hewlett-Packard.

Back then, Hewlett's number was listed in the phone book, and when Jobs called, Hewlett himself answered. Jobs introduced himself as a high school student and asked if Hewlett had any spare parts for his project. Hewlett didn’t just give him the parts—he also offered Jobs a summer job at Hewlett-Packard, where Jobs got to work on the assembly line putting together frequency counters. For young Jobs, this experience was like a dream come true.

The Lesson: Just Ask

This early experience taught Jobs a valuable lesson that stayed with him throughout his life: most people are willing to help if you just ask. He realized that fear of rejection often holds people back from seeking the help or opportunities they need. But more often than not, when you take the initiative to reach out, people are surprisingly open to lending a hand.

Jobs also made it a point to give back. He understood that his success was built on the support and opportunities others had given him, so he made an effort to be responsive when people asked him for help. It was his way of paying it forward, acknowledging that the kindness and generosity he received played a crucial role in his journey.

Why Asking Matters

In today’s world, many people hesitate to ask for help or advice, fearing they might be rejected or seen as bothersome. But as Jobs’ story shows, asking can open doors you didn’t even know existed. Whether it’s asking for advice, a job opportunity, or even just spare parts for a project, taking that step can lead to unexpected and life-changing outcomes.

Consider how many opportunities are missed simply because people never ask. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, a student, or someone looking to advance in your career, reaching out to someone you admire or someone who has the resources you need can be a game-changer. The worst that can happen is that they say no, but more often than not, people are willing to help, offer guidance, or point you in the right direction.

Paying It Forward

Steve Jobs’ experience also highlights the importance of giving back. He made it a point to help others, just as he was helped when he was young. This mindset of paying it forward can create a ripple effect, where one act of kindness or assistance can inspire others to do the same.

In a world that’s more connected than ever, the power of asking has only grown. With a simple email, message, or phone call, you can reach out to almost anyone, from industry leaders to potential mentors. The key is to take that first step, just as Steve Jobs did when he called Bill Hewlett. You never know what doors it might open.

Listen to Steve Jobs:

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