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The Art of Letting Go: Essential Advice for Entrepreneurs

Verne Harnish, a renowned business growth expert, brings a striking reality to light: 76% of companies in the United States are home-based, and 96% never reach a million dollars in revenue. The fundamental reason behind this is that many entrepreneurs struggle with delegation. They believe they are the best at everything related to their business, making it difficult for them to trust others to handle even a fraction of the work. This mindset often traps them in an exhausting cycle of doing everything themselves.

Verne Harnish
Verne Harnish

The Delegation Dilemma

Entrepreneurs often find themselves in a challenging position when trying to delegate tasks. Harnish explains that many entrepreneurs fail in their initial attempts to delegate because they don't choose the right person for the job. When these chosen individuals fail to meet expectations, the entrepreneurs get burnt, making them hesitant to delegate again. This results in a never-ending workload for the entrepreneur, who only has 168 hours in a week.

Jim Collins, another business guru, famously said, "You have to get the right butts in the right seats." Harnish expands on this by emphasizing the importance of identifying all the essential functions within a business. His solution is the "Function Accountability Chart," a tool that lists all necessary business functions like sales, marketing, operations, and accounting. In the early stages, the entrepreneur's name is next to all these tasks. However, the key to growth is figuring out which tasks to delegate next and finding the right people to handle them.

The Power of Delegation

Delegation is a crucial skill that many entrepreneurs are never taught. However, it's essential for business growth. The ability to delegate effectively allows entrepreneurs to focus on high-level strategic tasks rather than getting bogged down in day-to-day operations. This shift in focus can make the difference between a stagnant business and a thriving one.

A well-known example of effective delegation is found in the story of Henry Ford. Ford understood the importance of delegation and building a strong team. He once said,

"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs."

Ford's success with the Ford Motor Company was largely due to his ability to delegate tasks and trust his team to execute them effectively.

Building a Trustworthy Team

Building a trustworthy team is easier said than done. It requires careful selection and a willingness to invest time and resources in training and development. Entrepreneurs should look for individuals who not only have the required skills but also share the company's values and vision. A strong team can provide diverse perspectives, leading to innovative solutions and better decision-making.

Overcoming the Fear of Delegation

For many entrepreneurs, the fear of delegation stems from a lack of control. However, it's important to remember that delegation doesn't mean abandoning responsibilities. Instead, it involves empowering others to take ownership of specific tasks while maintaining oversight and providing support when needed.

Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, is a strong advocate for delegation. He believes that empowering employees is key to a successful business. Branson once said,

"Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to."

This approach not only builds a capable team but also fosters a positive and productive work environment.


Verne Harnish's insights highlight a common challenge faced by many entrepreneurs: the inability to delegate effectively. However, by understanding the importance of delegation, building a trustworthy team, and overcoming the fear of losing control, entrepreneurs can unlock their business's true potential. Embracing delegation not only alleviates the burden on the entrepreneur but also empowers the team, leading to sustainable growth and success.

In the words of Henry Ford,

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."

By working together and delegating effectively, entrepreneurs can navigate the path to success more efficiently and enjoy the journey along the way.

Listen to Harnish:

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