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The Power of 'A Players': Insights from Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple, attributed much of his success to assembling teams of exceptionally talented individuals, whom he referred to as "A players." Jobs believed that finding and nurturing these A players was crucial to creating a culture of excellence and innovation.

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs

Photo: Getty Images

The Importance of A Players

Jobs discovered that truly gifted people, the A players, are not only outstanding in their respective fields but also thrive in an environment where they are surrounded by peers of equal caliber. He noted,

"When you get enough A players together, when you go through the incredible work to find five of these A players, they really like working with each other, because they've never had a chance to do that before."

This mutual respect and synergy among A players foster a productive and innovative workplace.

Self-Policing Excellence

One of the most fascinating aspects of Jobs' approach was the self-policing nature of A players. Once a critical mass of top talent is achieved, these individuals naturally prefer to work with others who are equally competent and driven. They resist the inclusion of B and C players, ensuring that the team maintains its high standards. Jobs explained,

"They don't want to work with B and C players, and so it becomes self-policing, and they only want to hire more A players."

Propagating a Culture of Excellence

This strategy of hiring and retaining A players creates a virtuous cycle. As more top talent joins the team, the overall quality of work and innovation increases. This, in turn, attracts even more A players, perpetuating a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.

Insights from Other Entrepreneurs

Jobs' emphasis on the importance of hiring top talent is echoed by many other successful entrepreneurs. For example, Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has always prioritized hiring the best talent available. Bezos once said,

"I'd rather interview 50 people and not hire anyone than hire the wrong person."

Like Jobs, Bezos understands that the quality of a company's workforce is paramount to its success.

Similarly, Marissa Mayer, former CEO of Yahoo, shared her perspective on the significance of hiring top talent during her tenure at Google. Mayer stated,

"Hiring the best was the single most important activity in the company."

She emphasized that finding and retaining top talent was a key driver of Google's innovation and growth.

Building a Team of A Players

The concept of focusing on A players is not just about hiring the best but also about creating an environment where these individuals can thrive. This involves fostering a culture of collaboration, continuous learning, and mutual respect. It's about setting high standards and ensuring that everyone in the organization is committed to achieving excellence.


Steve Jobs' philosophy of building teams with A players highlights the importance of talent in driving innovation and success. By surrounding themselves with top talent, companies can create a self-sustaining culture of excellence. This approach is validated by other leading entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos and Marissa Mayer, who also prioritize hiring and nurturing the best talent. In the end, it's the A players who propel organizations to new heights, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of their industries.

Listen to Steve Jobs:

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