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The Power of Helping Others: Insights from Sam Altman

Sam Altman, a prominent entrepreneur and investor, shares a simple yet profound piece of advice: help others without expecting anything in return. This mindset, he explains, has repeatedly brought significant benefits to his career over time.

Sam Altman, CEO, OpenAI
Sam Altman, CEO, OpenAI

Photo: David Paul Morris—Bloomberg via Getty Images

The Unexpected Benefits of Selflessness

Altman recounts how assisting others with no immediate or expected benefit has eventually led to substantial returns. He emphasizes that your career can often be limited by the number of good people you know and can collaborate with. By helping others, you not only build a network of capable individuals but also open doors to future opportunities.

Real-Life Examples of Helping Others

Sam Altman's Experience: Altman himself has experienced the benefits of this approach. He mentions instances where he helped someone, and years later, it resulted in a major career opportunity. For example, investing in a startup he initially helped or collaborating on significant projects like OpenAI.

"Whenever I've helped people for no immediate benefit, and with no intention of ever getting a benefit at all, time and again in my career it has really later benefited me a lot."

Tony Hsieh and Zappos: Tony Hsieh, the late CEO of Zappos, was known for his philosophy of delivering happiness. He believed in helping others and creating a positive company culture. By prioritizing the well-being and happiness of his employees and customers, Hsieh built a company that was not only successful but also beloved by many. His selfless approach to leadership and customer service led to Zappos being acquired by Amazon for over a billion dollars.

Reid Hoffman and LinkedIn: Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, is another great example. Hoffman has a reputation for helping others in the tech industry. His willingness to mentor and support other entrepreneurs has created a strong network of influential connections. This network has not only benefited those he has helped but has also brought significant opportunities back to Hoffman, including key partnerships and investments.

Building a Network Through Generosity

Altman underscores the importance of building a network of impressive individuals who can get things done. By helping others, you identify those who are capable and motivated, creating a circle of people who can collaborate and achieve great things together.

"You at some point often get to a point in your career where you're limited by how many good people you know, and how many of those you can work with or get to do things together."

Takeaway: The Ripple Effect of Generosity

Helping others selflessly creates a ripple effect of positive outcomes. It's not just about immediate returns; it's about fostering relationships and creating a supportive network that can lead to unexpected and substantial benefits in the future.

By following Altman's advice, you can build a strong foundation of goodwill and collaboration, ultimately leading to greater success and fulfillment in your career. So, the next time you have the opportunity to help someone, do it without expecting anything in return. The rewards, as Altman and others have found, often come back in ways you never anticipated.

Listen to Sam Altman:

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