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The Power of the Embed Code: How YouTube Became Viral by Chad Hurley

When YouTube first launched, it revolutionized how we share and consume videos online. One of the key innovations that fueled its virality was the embed code. But where did this idea come from? Let's dive into the story behind YouTube's embed code and how it helped the platform explode in popularity.

Chad Hurley, co-founder, YouTube
Chad Hurley, co-founder, YouTube

Photo: Wikipedia

The Inspiration Behind the Embed Code

Chad Hurley, one of YouTube's co-founders, shared an interesting insight about the origin of the embed code. Before YouTube, Hurley worked at PayPal, where they used a similar concept for payment buttons. PayPal allowed users to cut and paste payment buttons and place them on any website, blog, or auction listing. This simple yet effective method increased PayPal's exposure and drove traffic back to their site.

Hurley and his team took this idea and applied it to videos. By allowing users to embed videos on their websites, blogs, and social media pages, YouTube gave people a way to share content widely. This strategy wasn't just about convenience; it was a brilliant marketing move. Each embedded video player acted as a giant ad for YouTube, leading viewers back to the platform.

How the Embed Code Worked

The embed code was a snippet of HTML that users could easily copy and paste into their websites. This code would display a YouTube video player, allowing visitors to watch the video without leaving the site. If someone clicked anywhere outside the play button, they would be redirected to YouTube.

This feature was particularly powerful because it allowed anyone to share videos effortlessly. Whether it was a blogger writing about a trending topic or someone wanting to showcase their favorite music video on MySpace, the embed code made it easy to include YouTube videos on any page.

The Impact of the Embed Code

The embed code turned every user into a promoter for YouTube. Videos spread rapidly across the internet, appearing on various websites and social media platforms. This not only increased YouTube's visibility but also created a network effect, where the more people shared videos, the more valuable the platform became.

This strategy was crucial during YouTube's early days, as it allowed the platform to grow its user base quickly without a massive marketing budget. The embed code effectively turned users' websites into distribution channels for YouTube content, driving traffic and engagement back to the platform.

Learning from YouTube's Success

YouTube's use of the embed code offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to grow their digital presence:

  • Leverage User Networks: By enabling users to share content on their own platforms, you can exponentially increase your reach. This is akin to turning each user into a brand ambassador.

  • Create Win-Win Situations: The embed code benefited both YouTube and its users. Users got a seamless way to share videos, and YouTube gained free promotion. When developing features, think about how they can provide mutual benefits.

  • Simplify Sharing: Make it as easy as possible for users to share your content. The simpler it is, the more likely they are to do it. This ease of use was a key factor in the success of YouTube’s embed code.


The embed code was a game-changer for YouTube, transforming it into a viral sensation. By allowing users to easily share videos across the web, YouTube harnessed the power of user networks and created a self-sustaining cycle of growth. This strategy highlights the importance of making sharing easy and leveraging users as brand ambassadors. Whether you’re starting a new venture or looking to grow an existing one, the lessons from YouTube’s embed code can guide you towards creating a more engaging and viral product.

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