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The Power of Vision: Insights from Steve Jobs at NeXT

Steve Jobs, known for his visionary leadership at Apple, brought the same intensity and focus to his subsequent venture, NeXT. During a company retreat, Jobs made a compelling case for the importance of a clear, singular focus.

Steve Jobs in 1980s
Steve Jobs in 1980s
"We are going to make it or break it based on whether we can provide products to higher education and services and relationships to higher education that no one else provides"

He emphasized that NeXT's success hinged entirely on this mission, urging his team to dedicate one hundred percent of their efforts toward this goal.

"If we can't do that, then we ought to go broke,"

he added, underscoring the all-or-nothing stakes.

The Keeper of the Vision

After the meeting, Jobs elaborated on the importance of having a leader who continuously reinforces the company's vision.

"There needs to be someone who is sort of the keeper and reiterator of the vision"

This role is crucial because the journey of building something great is long and arduous.

"A lot of times, when you have to walk a thousand miles and you take the first step, it looks like a long way"

Having someone who consistently reminds the team of their progress and the ultimate goal can make a significant difference.

Reiterating the Vision

Jobs saw himself as this keeper of the vision at NeXT.

"In a thousand and one little and sometimes larger ways, the vision needs to be reiterated. I do that a lot"

This continuous reinforcement helps keep the team motivated and focused, ensuring that every step taken is aligned with the company's overarching mission.

The Importance of Focus

Jobs' philosophy highlights a crucial lesson for entrepreneurs and business leaders: the power of focus. By honing in on a specific market—higher education in NeXT's case—and striving to offer unparalleled products and services, a company can carve out a unique space for itself. This intense focus not only guides the company's strategic decisions but also inspires the team to push forward, even when the journey seems daunting.

Lessons from Other Visionaries

Steve Jobs wasn't alone in his belief in the power of vision. Other successful entrepreneurs have echoed similar sentiments:

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, often speaks about the importance of having a clear vision for the future. Musk's vision for space travel and sustainable energy drives his companies' innovations.

"If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it"

emphasizing the importance of perseverance towards a visionary goal.

Howard Schultz, former CEO of Starbucks, transformed a small coffee bean retailer into a global coffeehouse chain by focusing on creating a "third place" between home and work where people could relax and connect. Schultz's vision was to create an experience, not just a product, which has been key to Starbucks' success.

Conclusion: The Journey of a Thousand Miles

The insights from Steve Jobs at NeXT offer valuable lessons for anyone looking to build a successful business. The journey may be long and filled with challenges, but with a clear vision and relentless focus, it becomes manageable. By continuously reiterating the vision and ensuring that every step aligns with the ultimate goal, leaders can guide their teams through the toughest times and toward success.

In the words of Jobs, having a keeper of the vision who reminds everyone that "the goal definitely exists, it's not just a mirage out there," can make all the difference. Whether you're at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey or well on your way, remember that every step counts and the vision you hold can propel you forward.

Listen to Steve:

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