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The Unseen Struggles of Entrepreneur : Insights from Mel Robbins

Change is often portrayed as a glamorous transformation, a journey filled with excitement and triumph. However, Mel Robbins, a renowned motivational speaker, offers a more honest perspective on the process of personal change.

Mel Robbins
Mel Robbins

The Reality of Change

Robbins emphasizes that change is far from glamorous. In fact, it can be incredibly lonely. As you begin to change, everything around you starts to shift as well—your environment, your routines, and even the people in your life. This can be a daunting and isolating experience.

The Initial Struggles

When you start making significant changes in your life, it often doesn't feel fun or rewarding in the beginning. Instead, it can be uncomfortable and disheartening. You might find yourself feeling disconnected from the familiar aspects of your life, and the people around you may not understand or support your journey.

Motivation Through Hope, Inspiration, or Pain

Robbins identifies three main drivers that can push you through these tough times:

  1. Hope: Having an incredible amount of hope can sustain you during the challenging phases of change. Believing that things will get better can provide the strength to keep going.

  2. Inspiration and Delusion: Sometimes, a strong sense of inspiration or even a touch of delusion about the future can drive you forward. This means believing so strongly in your vision that you are willing to endure the discomfort of the present.

  3. Pain: Often, the most compelling motivator for change is pain. When you are in so much pain that the status quo becomes unbearable, the prospect of change—even with all its difficulties—seems like a better option. The pain of staying the same can push you to try something different, even if it's just to find a slightly less painful existence.

A Real-Life Example: J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, is a prime example of someone who endured immense pain before achieving success. Before becoming a best-selling author, she was a single mother living on welfare, struggling with depression. Her hope for a better future and the inspiration she found in her writing helped her push through the initial struggles. The pain of her circumstances drove her to change her life drastically. Her story illustrates that the road to success is often paved with significant personal challenges.

Embracing the Journey

Understanding the realities of personal change can help you prepare for the journey. Here are some tips inspired by Mel Robbins:

  • Acknowledge the Struggles: Recognize that change will be difficult and lonely at times. This awareness can help you stay resilient when things get tough.

  • Find Your Motivation: Identify what drives you—whether it's hope, inspiration, or the need to escape pain. Use this as your anchor during challenging times.

  • Stay Connected: Even though change can be isolating, try to stay connected with supportive people who understand and encourage your journey.

  • Be Patient: Remember that meaningful change takes time. Be patient with yourself and trust the process, even when it feels uncomfortable.


Mel Robbins's candid perspective on change sheds light on the less glamorous aspects of personal transformation. By understanding that change is often lonely and challenging, you can better prepare yourself for the journey. Whether driven by hope, inspiration, or pain, the key is to keep pushing forward, knowing that the discomfort you feel now is part of the path to a better future.

Listen to Mel Robbins:

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