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What Jeff Bezos Says On "Work-Life-Balance"

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, has a unique take on the often-discussed topic of work-life balance. Instead of using the phrase "work-life balance," Bezos prefers "work-life harmony." He believes this subtle shift in wording can change how we approach our professional and personal lives.

Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos

Bezos explains that the concept of balance implies a strict trade-off between work and personal life, where more of one means less of the other. This can be misleading and counterproductive. Instead, he suggests thinking about harmony, where both aspects of life complement and enhance each other.

"If I am energized at work, happy at work, feeling like I'm adding value, part of a team—whatever energizes you—that makes me better at home,"

He believes that being fulfilled and motivated at work can translate into being a better husband and father. Similarly, happiness and satisfaction at home can make someone a better employee and leader at work.

The key, according to Bezos, is energy. "Do you have energy? And is your work depriving you of energy or is your work generating energy for you?" This focus on energy creates a positive feedback loop. When you're energized by your work, you bring that positive energy home, and when you're happy at home, you bring that energy back to work. It becomes a flywheel—a self-sustaining cycle where each aspect of life fuels the other.

"It makes me a better husband, a better father. And likewise, if I'm happy at home, it makes me a better employee, a better boss."

By shifting from the idea of balance to harmony, Bezos encourages us to look at our lives more holistically. It's not about making sacrifices to achieve equilibrium, but about finding ways for work and home life to coexist and enrich each other. This perspective can lead to greater overall satisfaction and effectiveness both personally and professionally.

Watch this inspiring video:

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