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Y Combinator Cofounder Jessica Livingston: Your idea is going to evolve

In a conversation between Sam Altman and Jessica Livingston, co-founder of Y Combinator, the topic of getting started with a business idea versus perfecting it from the outset arises. Livingston shares insights from Airbnb's evolution, highlighting the importance of adaptability and flexibility in entrepreneurship.

Jessica Livingston, cofounder of Y Combinator
Jessica Livingston, cofounder of Y Combinator

Image credit: The social radars

"I think it's more important to get started with something, build it because your idea is always going to evolve."

According to Livingston, the key to success lies in getting started with an idea and being open to its evolution over time. She cites Airbnb as a prime example of a startup whose initial concept underwent significant transformation.

When Airbnb first approached Y Combinator, their idea was focused on renting out air beds in homes during conferences. However, as they began testing and iterating on their concept, they realized the need for adaptation.

"They (Airbnb) came to us with their idea, which was at the time renting out air beds in your home while you were there during conferences. That's pretty focused, right? And then they said okay, now we're going to rent out air beds in your home, but not during conferences. Then it was renting out your own home.. So it morphed"

The pivotal moment came when one of Airbnb's hosts, Barry Manilow's drummer, proposed renting out his entire apartment while he was on tour. Initially hesitant to deviate from their original model, Airbnb eventually embraced the idea and expanded their offerings to include whole spaces.

This shift proved to be a game-changer for Airbnb, paving the way for their growth into a global hospitality platform. Today, renting out entire homes accounts for the majority of their business.

The story of Airbnb underscores the importance of being receptive to feedback and willing to pivot in response to market demands. By remaining agile and adaptable, startups can unlock new opportunities and achieve greater success.

In conclusion, the journey of Airbnb serves as a powerful reminder that the path to success is rarely linear. Entrepreneurs must be prepared to embrace change, iterate on their ideas, and seize unexpected opportunities along the way. As Livingston's insights demonstrate, getting started is often the first step towards unlocking the full potential of a business idea.

Listen to what she said exactly:

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